Thursday, June 10, 2010

5Th Grade Promotion

Well it is official.  I no longer have children in elementary school.(at least not for one year)  Jacob had a great year.  He was a 2nd graders when Judson and Brown opened so that class has been there the longest.  He is sad to say good by but looking forward to bigger and better.  All of his friends are moving on with him so that makes it fun.  I don't feel as nervous sending him off to Jr High as I did with Jeffrey.  But will see when the fist day comes. Jacob had a teacher this year who helped him do well like always he tested very high and got straight As.  But we have come to expect that from mister smarty pants.  Good job Jacob we love you.  We know you will go on to do amazing things with that brain of yours! 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The pool is now open

There is one thing Nate will be doing this summer for sure. This is a little hint. 

What do we do while waiting to get Jeffrey's hair cut?

We take lots of silly pictures.

Growing up

This is my baby who came into this world sick and only weighing 5 pounds.  He is now 6ft and going off to High School - happy and healthy and ready for this new adventure in life. I remember his first day of Jr High I dropped him off and came home crying. I told Tom we would give it one week and then we were going to home school him.  Jeffrey came home that day and said it was great!  Last week he was awarded the  Award for Educational Excellence.  We are proud of you Jeffrey!  We love you! I am glad you knew you could do it.  I still might come home crying on the first day of High School.